Japheth's Thoughts

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Quote for Today

There are only two problems in life: you know what you want and you don't know how to get it; or you don't know what you want.

- David Allen

Friday, November 18, 2005

Chastity is Hard!

My brother made a post on his blog concerning an article on chastity. I made comments to his post which I'm going to quote an excerpt from:

I know that God has the perfect plan for happiness, but it can be really hard for the human mind to understand it.

I like Starbucks and their Carmel Macchiato (or should I say Carmel/Vanilla Latte). I could drink one everyday for the rest of my life (some people think I do anyway). Now when I'm in Springfield, I like to stop by Java Planet and occasionally Churchills. I just discovered Satellite in Albuquerque and will now make a stop there every day I'm visiting. Now although any of those coffee houses and their drinks would be satisfying for everyday until the end of life, to be forced into a position to choose only one for ever would be bringing my world to an end.

For guys like me who haven’t come to the point in life for making the choice of which coffee (wife) for life, chastity creates another situation that causes the procrastination of finally making that choice. I currently drive a little 15 year old car. Everyone knows I love Mustangs, but my dream car is the Corvette. Now I can't afford a new Mustang and really, really can't afford a new Corvette. Why I'm not even at the point of buying a new Kia. I'll be lucky to get another dependable used car. Now let's say that I'm told that if I buy the Mustang, I can't have the Corvette ever. I'll always drive that Mustang. If I get a Kia because I can't wait, well then forget the Mustang. So I'd play this waiting game...waiting until I can afford the Mustang. But then while I'm looking at the new Mustangs, an old guy drives by in a beautiful new Corvette. As much as I love Mustangs, do I want to give up on the Corvette? So I end up not buying anything and waiting my whole life for the Corvette (which really is attainable, you just have to wait).

So guys like me spend a long and sometimes agonizing time waiting for the right one while nice models come off production that wouldn't be bad for taking a test drive.

ow this avoidance of choosing just "one" does not mean I follow the lifestyle of Hugh Hefner. On the contrary, I live an opposite life. It is just that with so many wonderful flavors, I can't seem to pick the one I really want. (I love analogies) It's almost as though I'd rather be single with choices than to no longer have a choice, or even worse, had made a bad choice.

So to sum it all up, God's got it all figured out, but it sure is hard for us to humanly grasp it sometimes.

've known all my life that God has a girl out there that He's been preparing for me as He has prepared me for her. Someday she'll walk into my life and I can truthfully use the Jerry McGuire line: "You complete me." Perhaps for the first time in my life I'll even have her at "hello". It's just hard to see the big picture sometimes.

As always, keep'n it real!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Just Tall Enough

Hanging out in Branson, I run into a lot of dancer girls. Being tall seems to be a requirement for dancing. Well after a while, a guy like me can start to feel insecure. I'm 5' 4" (or is it 5' 5"?). Well whatever it is, those tall girls in their high heels can make a guy like me feel real short.

Earlier this week, I decided to do some research. Am I really short compared to some of the beautiful girls of the world? My findings surprised me and made me happy. Here is a short example of some girls who are my height or shorter:

5' 4"

(L-R: Britney Spears, Kristin Kreuk, Elisha Cuthbert, and Scarlett Johansson)

5' 3"

(Jessica Simpson and Shiri Appleby)

5' 2" (you are beautiful no matter what they say)

Christina Aguilera

Give it up for the short hotties! Life is good!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Quote for Today

Dare to color outside the lines; nothing extraordinary will ever come from following the norm.

– Christopher Grubb, CEO of RQ2

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Time to Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to my new blog! I decided it was time to start a blog for a couple of reasons:

  1. I'm a Web Developer and have been around the world wide web since it's early days. I remember when blogs first came out. I thought nothing of them. Now my friends have blogs and even household pets have blogs. What kind of web guy am I if I don't have a blog?
  2. I'm always coming up with thoughts, ideas, and soapbox messages. Yelling them to an empty room does no good, so I usually mass-email my friends with my ramblings. I'm sure this can become annoying for my friends and frankly, my words of wisdom end up dead in an Inbox.

So I figure it's better late than never to start a blog. Also, my thoughts can now be archived for the whole world to read.

So stay tuned....